MXB Races Article

MMR Season 1

Join the Race: MMR Season 1 Offering Prizes

Season 1 of MMR Rankings is here! We are excited to drop the gates and see the community come together to compete for the top spot!

The top 3 riders will receive a prize package from our generous sponsor, Troyjannn. The prizes include gaming controllers, headsets, microphones, and G-Fuel supplements. Winners will also get a permanent MXB-Races website badge to show off your stature in the MMR Ranking system forever.

The season will run for 3 months and the top 3 riders will be announced on Jan 1st, 2025. All MXB-Races Servers will have MMR Rankings enabled, so when you join our servers, be ready to race! Good luck to all the riders and may the fastest, most consistent rider win!

Happy Racing!